Lesson 1: Setting Up Property Tax Global Defaults


In GA-Taxpro, you can streamline your property tax filing process by configuring the Property Tax Global Defaults. This feature allows you to set the Preparer's details, which will be automatically used as Header Details for your tax filings. Follow these simple steps to set up your Property Tax Global Defaults:

Step 1: Access the Setup Info menu

Step 2: Select Property Tax Global Defaults

Step 3: Enter Preparer's details and save

  1. In the Property Tax Global Defaults window, fill in the required information.

  2. Double-check the entered details to ensure accuracy.

  3. Click the "Close" button to save your changes and exit the window.

Note the Enable Roll Forward Prompt button - If you select "Do Not Ask Again" in the roll forward process (we will look at this in Lesson 4), you can utilize this button to re-enable the roll forward prompt.

By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your property tax filings are consistent and accurate, with the correct Preparer's information included every time.

Next: Adding a new client