How to Merge Data Folders? How to Consolidate Installations for Multiple Locations?


If you have multiple installations of GA-TaxPro for each of your branches/locations, you may want to merge the data folders (and installation) into one for convenience.

Merging data folders requires careful coordination and adherence to specific instructions. Please follow the steps outlined below to ensure a smooth merging experience.

Important Considerations

  • Contact Support: Before initiating the merge, please reach out to to coordinate the process. The merging is manual and will need to be handled on our side.

  • Do Not Edit Data: During the merge, you must not edit or enter any data in either dataset. Any changes made will not be reflected in the merged data.

  • Budget Time: Please allow up to two weeks for this task. This timeline accounts for necessary confirmations with your team. We recommend avoiding merges during or too close to tax season.

  • Licensing: We do not charge for the merge. However, note that combining data will not reduce your licensing fees. The ongoing licensing is based on the number of physical branches/locations you have, as stated in our End User License Agreement (EULA). Please remember that you need to buy a separate copy of GA-TaxPro for each location.

Instructions for Preparing and Uploading Data Folders

  1. Prepare Your Data:

    • Ensure that your latest clients and filings are present in both installations. Incomplete or outdated data will be reflected in the final merged dataset.

  2. Create Upload Folders:

    • Create a clearly labeled folder for each of your GA-TaxPro installations. Name the folders by their respective locations.

  3. Backup Data Files:

    • Open GA-TaxPro.

    • Navigate to Utilities > (3) Backup Data Files.

    • Click on "Click here to select where to put your backups".

    • Select the path of your newly created folder and click "Start backup now".

    • Repeat this process for your second dataset.

  4. Upload Data Folders:

    • Once you have backed up both datasets, upload the two folders to the provided portal.

Important Notes

  • Client ID Changes: Since Client IDs must be unique, we may change the Client ID of your dataset during the merge. This Client ID is only used within GA-TaxPro and will not affect any returns or filings. You can change the Client ID post-merge by following specific instructions.

  • Data Separation: The merge will combine your two datasets into one; however, it will not identify or merge common/same companies present in both datasets. These companies will remain separate in the newly merged dataset.

  • Do Not Delete Existing Installations: Please refrain from deleting your existing dataset until the merge is complete and you have thoroughly checked and are satisfied with the merged dataset.

Post-Merge Instructions

We will notify you once we have merged your datasets. Upon which:

  • Default Folder Location: The default folder to place the merged data folder is \\[UNC path]\[path]\S_TAXGAW\DATA. However, you can choose a different path depending on your individual setup.

  • Update Current Data Folder:

    • Navigate to Setup Info > Current Data Folder.

    • Change Current Data Folder to the new path where your merged data is located.

    • Once you close the Setup Info window, it will update with your merged data.

  • Reindex Data Files:

    • Go to Utilities > Reindex Data Files to complete the update process.

  • [IMPORTANT] Verify Data Integrity: Please go through the new data and ensure all your clients and latest pre-merge data are present.

  • [IMPORTANT] Network Server Considerations: If you are using a network server, please follow these instructions to disable oplocks, which can affect database performance during access.

If you have any questions or need assistance during this process, do not hesitate to contact our support team at