Property return is NOT showing latest conversion factors


If your property return is not displaying the latest conversion factors, it may be due to one of the following reasons:

  • You may be using an older version of the software.

  • You may have rolled forward returns using an outdated version.

To resolve this issue, please follow these steps:

1. Verify your software version

Check the version number of the software by running the program and looking in the upper left-hand corner of the screen (see image below). Ensure that your version is 01/10/25, 01/12/25, or later to access the updated conversion factors.

If your version is older than 01/10/25 or 01/12/25, please download and install the latest version.

2. Manually update the return by clicking on Schedule A and Group 1-4

This step is crucial for users who batch-rolled or created their 2025 returns before updating to the latest version, as these returns may still contain outdated conversion factors.

To update any of these returns, please follow these steps:

1. Open the return and navigate to Schedule A 

2. Click into any one of the Group 1-4 buttons (you only need to click one; you do not need to click all four)

3. After clicking into any of the Group 1-4 buttons in Schedule A, you can immediately 'close' it, and the existing property return will be updated with the latest conversion factors.

This may already be part of your workflow; if not, please incorporate the steps outlined above.